The entire primary mess, and all the attention it is getting, is fortunate for the professional Jew-Functionary, or the professional Jew. These guys are not religious, they don’t sit up at night analyzing the different editions of the Torah, which ones were copied without vowels and so on – No, they are AIPAC, professional advocates for anything the vile and viscous armed state of Nakba, occupying Palestinian land, wants – mainly lots of money and weapons to kill people with.
Well, this is going out right after the New Hampshire Primary is dead and buried, and we will be preparing the ABSURD TIMES FATWAH AND WAHHABI CREDO CALL TO ACTION!
I’ve been thinking, and I’m here to tell you that it has not been one bit of fun. These days, I’ve noticed some pretty suspicious empty spaces in the OBITUARY COLUMNS and I have sources amongst news reporters who tell me, under the condition that they not be named because they don’t want their in-boxes flooded with dunderhead ed numskull generated tripe, that those entries have been elided because they don’t want their in-boxes flooded with dunderhead ed numskull generated tripe. I have been asked, by an overwhelming majority of these reporters if I was able to realize and then communicate how much of an asshole MAGA TRUMP is and the extent to which MAGA TRUMP AKA NITWITYAHOISM HAS SPREAD with nothing to resist it but REASON (WHOSE ECLIPSE HAS GROWN AND SPREAD FOR OVER 100 YEARS).
What the hell? I said yes. Why not? My inbox is on the DARK WEB, so if any of them can find it there, let them beware: is it really mine or some left-wing ball-busting femanazi? We have formed a cabal and our addresses are only one character different of 24. Rush Limbaugh is dead and never did the St. Louis play-by-play. He was simply no match for Bob Elson.
DAMNIT! Here I take a few days off from, well, maybe a week or so, off from paying attention to MR. AIPAC INCARNATE and I find out the fathead has killed another 3,000 Palestinians, 2/3rds women and children, shut down all communication within Gaza, and all along has suppressed information even more tightly than U.S. media. Do they ever know they have killed 25,000, mainly women and children, some wanted the hostages back (and so does MAGA, A HOSTAGE BY ANY OTHER NAME). The majority, overwhelming majority, of Israelis never saw the infants huddled together because of no power for their incubators, in fact never saw anything, over their media. Well, word gets around and now there are calls for a new election as some of the families have noticed that their family members have not returned. THE FAMILIES POUNDED ON A TABLE AND HAVE NOW DISAPPEARED. The anti-Semitic swine and I will not call him a pig as pigs are noble by comparison, a swine – the kind you do not cast your pearls before, just after – enough of him – Biden has to just keep the 14 billion here.
Put together a cookoo clock, made in China, with instructions, about the time Pirsig's book came out. I figured I had been 2 months in a kinda Zen camp, knew Univ. of Chicago and the great President it had, Manard Hutchens, the guy who got rid of the football team and installed Fermi instead and said "Whenever I feel like exercising, I turn over and go back to sleep" and bet on Aristotle over Plato, so I could follow the directions. It helped that there was an attempt at a translation into German, and then I pretty much ran on instinct and finished, the translation's translation said "The clock bird is now going Kukoo!" I STILL HAD Studs on my side.
Now that makes more sense than dealing with the soon-to-be-jailbird after the populace forces a new election. So long, SWINE!
Ok, so maybe that wasn’t the smoothest transition, but who says we need to be smooth about it? The jailbird is going Kukoo. That is all we know as das Erde, and all we need to know – John Keats.
So who was the other guy? Oh yeah, Mr. Maga. He had what they called a “Senior Moment,” All the while no MAGAs noticing that he IS a Geritol Moment, but not for what humans consider a mere moment. He has been talking as so, or like this, for a few months now, just about non-stop: “This Indian who was in charge of security whom I told to get out the guards on the 6th and so her husband got whacked with a Hammer thinks she can fool you up in New Hampshire with her lousy 36% when you all know what the score is love Wikileaks and see all these Republicans back behind me in Iowa know that I prevented World War III and that the 3rd Reich used to be Germany! Ach Vomen! Ach Men!” (Actually, the last four words are by Carl Sandburg who never took Geritol.)
Still not yet? Nope. Wild card. Everything went and went when some guy started a write–in campaign for Biden because Joe wasn’t going to run in New Hampshire, er shire, and that may be one of the states up there that calls itself LIVE FREE OR DIE! It could be any one of them up there. Illinois uses LAND OF LINCOLN, and never guess what Oaklahoma is: OKLAHOMA IS OK. Ok, so Biden won the write-in over 90 or so others, but we are trying to save lives here and waiting for the vote total for the OTHER write-in candidate: CEASEFIRE. I know those votes are there, but never mentioned, so your blood is on the media AIPAC’S HANDS. Gesundheit!
Time then for launch, Las Vegas, CAUCUS OR PRIMARY, THEN Souss Karaloina in the morning.