Illustration: er, make sure your local newscaster does not take this seriously. On second thought, who cares?
It's time to liberate the stupid. Why make them get vaccinated? If they do, more of them will survive and even think, well, maybe not think, but go out and vote. Also, make vaccination a requirement for admission to a hospital unless one has a sane reason. Separation of church and state might work for them.
Reminds me of Chicago years ago. The Catholic Church wanted to ban certain movies, especially the ones avidly seen by zealots of clothing. Daley didn't want anyone telling him how to run his City. Dad came up with the separation of church and state, althought the way it came out of HIZZONORS mouth was "If yuz wanna tell me what ta do wid my city, yer gonna have ta pay property taxes." The church changed its mind and instead came out with a list of movies that are evil. Catholics subscribed in droves so they knew what movies were the best. Bardot was a favorite.
Now we have a modern equivalent, Donald Dump. Seems he should still be President because China made wireless thermostats that were used in Georgia to mess with the voting machines – no, that was investigated by the justice Department last term. WIFI did it. Now we know. This furthered socialism. One of you wrote:
As soon as someone yaps about "socialism" i just dismiss them as idiots.
Here's what happens:
Billionaire gives wheelbarrow full of cash to politician in order to create beneficial laws that almost always work against the interests of the people.
Politician then has to justify said law and does so with meaningless symbols and terms like "socialism "
This is then distributed through the media to aforementioned idiot who then repeats it, having no idea what it means. (Footnote: this media is sometimes owned by same billionaire as above)
Note that, in the above scenario, it is almost crucial to keep said idiot working, broke, angry, and uneducated. So make sure to defund eduction and healthcare. Maybe start a few wars against brown people if you have time.
Now, I have a solution to the alleged "high-price" of the bill, down from 6 trillion to a measly 3.5 trillion. This is what we cut: All people who live in a state that went Republican are ineligible for the benefits. An exception will be made for the districts that voted for Democrats. Since the so-called "Red States" usually benefit for the Federal Taxes and the Blue States loose money to them, the savings would be enormous. Any of these who apply, simply get a reply saying "We are sorry, but your Senator voted against the bill and represents you." If there was just a way to make West Virginia the only place where the climate changes . . . well, enough here.
That would make it a three-comma bill, not a four-comma bill. Gotta watch those commas.
So, earlier, a teacher of American history would talk about the Bourgeoisie vs. the Proletariat, show black-faced miners extorted by them, and you had to be on their side. I wonder what he would say today when the Proletariat is torming the Capital to ensure autocracy? Doesn't seem to work. But we do have a class war coming – same symptoms as at the turn of the century. Race divisions and replacement, but you have to understand that the Polish saw the Lithiuanians as another race. German saw Poles as another race. They actually used the terms. And we had excluded an entire segment of our literature from the academic canon. Ever read a book by Upton Sinclair? Try The Jungle. Jack London? Forget about Alaska and dogs, look at books with titles such as The Iron Heel. You may know there is a square called Jack London square because he was Mayor of Oakland, as a Socialist. His wife was Charmain Kittridge, daughter of a foremost scholar of Shakespeare at Harvard. He is known as asking "Who would give me the exam?" to anyone who said he should get a Doctorate.
Anyway, The Jungle by Sinclair brought the attention of Teddy Roosevelt and it started government inspection of foods. Ford did not invent the assembly line, meatpackers in Chciago did. )No, Ford invented union busting which made him a hero for Hitler.) Too many human parts showed up in the meat supply. Well, Teddy did something about it and it preserved a democracy for awhile. Of course, the books are not considered "serious," not when you have Henry James and Portrait of a Lady available.
So, they get rid of all this Socialism like a plague, and bring in "Free Enterprise". Sounds good, doesn't it? It doesn't take long, and we are in a depression – the great Depression. So, FDR comes along and everyone today forgets the reason he gave for running: "Looks like I have to save my friends from themselves." He calls a special session of Congress, gives a few radio speeches, and make some changes suggested by a guy in prison, Eugene Debs, the Socialist candidate for President. Today, they complain about many of Roosevelt's policies, sying he was a Socialist himself, but no way. We were so bad off, that if he wanted to, he could have nationalized all the banks. He didn't. Still, right-wingers militate against his policies.
Having prevented nationalization of the military and suppliers, Roosevelt went into full production to enter WWII. We won. It would have been a great deal more efficient to nationalize the weapons industry, BTW.
If you think the glass is half empty, you just aren't drinking fast enough.
Now today's worker class.
Actually, we have two of them. One consisted of that crowd and their ilk that manefested their energies on Jan 6, invading the capital and saying they were invited by the President. Amd they were right. He did invite them and enjoyed seeing how many of them showed up. They have no idea of how idiotic they look and act. In fact, they seem to believe they are model citizens, the common clay, you know, morons. No, actually, the sort of people that built this country. If they are, it is no wonder that it is falling apart. Once a neighboor from Taiwan tried to convince me: "all we ask is just one vote in the General Assembly, that's all." For a while, I was angry and told him "if you were not one of the few people in this state that could get 12 points off me in tabble tennis, I'd toss you out of the house. How stupid do you think I am? Only nations recongized by the Security council are allowed to vote as countries." Now, if the guy had a brain, or even came close, he would have said "Well, you are an American after all. Why would I expect more?" But no, he just giggled. Oh well, that's the one proletariat. They are regularly led by a bufoon of one sort or another with a great deal of mythology about themselves and the old south. It is no accident that Jeff Sessions was the first elected official to endorse him, but the Buffoon in Chief did not count on one relic of the old south: Honor. Sessions would challenge him to a duel or something, but who duels with a Buffoon?,
They other one proletariate is much more interesting. After this Covid and that former President's idiocy about it (and he knew better), the pandemic raged and many were laid off, many had to work from home (for once, the mouse helped people think), many had to re-evaluate their position in this idiotic work environment. People are quitting jobs, not looking for them and it is not because of government payments, either. Those stopped awhile ago. No, the people just decided not to be wage slaves anymore: pay a good wage, or forget it. Just because William Shattner can take a ride in a missle, does not obligate me to drive an hour through traffic to sit at a desk, wait on tables for substandard wages and beg for "tips", and so on. Capitalism just has to do better. They may not put it in those terms, but that is what they are saying. Make life meaningful again, or for a change.
Some interesting ideas I've heard about: There was a fire on Ronnie Ray Gun's ranch, so the fire department should water a mountain nearby and let the water "trickle down" to the ranch. Laffer would approve, I'm sure.
Somebody said he bought some cat treats and the lady at the check out said "Ohh, I don't like cats. What would you say?"
Well, I'd tell her, "Well, I do, but only if they're properly cooked." Actually, you gotta find a different store.
If you think everyone around you is stupid, you are problably right, but for the first time in your life. Why do you have these people around you?
You Christians had better send your thoughts and prayers to the ones who were kidnapped in Haiti. Jesus will protect them, won't he?
The new Mayor to be of Buffalo is a back woman and a Socialist. Head of the Democratic Party says she is like David Duke. I'm just going to let that sit there on its own for awhile. What comes to your mind?
Yes, we have a lot of things almost going on, but for the most part, we are the wealthiest nation that treats its citizens so poorly. No, we not going to have any free Community College. You think we are going to allow people to learn how to think for themselves? To hell with that.
There is just too much bullshit going on right now. Always has been, but I'm getting tired of even thinking about it.
This makes the headlines: FACEBOOK TO CHANGE ITS NAME! Wow, that really takes nerves of steel to face, no? No. It's like Comcast changing its name to XFINITY.
We've already covered Critical Race Theory, but now we have a new law in Texas that says any book you teach, you must present an alternative point of view. So, a question was asked about the Holocaust. You figure it out. I'm done with this crap.
Happy Halloween!