Rigger Mertis
OK, I confess, I just ran out of titles. Things are insane enough as it is to try to give them names. I’ll just leave it that way.
So, if not everything, what? Do you want a foul image? Imagine Clarence Thomas and his wife Ginni … no, I can’t tolerate it myself. It is simply too foul. And the sacrifices he makes for his country! Here he goes on these expensive and remote costly vacations with white billionaires when, in his stated opinion, he feels more comfortable in a Walmart parking lot. No, I’m not making that up – he actually said that.
But we have hardly scratched the surface (and even that seems foul in the context) of how the law seems to work.
Let’s consider Little Richard, very misunderstood, and robbed, but all legally. Take his earliest hit TUTTI FRUITY. (It is strange to think that I’ve had a blank spot spelling that word.) Now most alert people understand it was about sexual intercourse, but when Pat Boone (of all people) covered the song for the white kids in the 50s, they thought it was about a flavor of ice cream. Even those who were cognizant enough to realize that it was about sex, did not realize that it had to do with anal intercourse between two males. To be blunt, “Fruity” replaced “Bootie” from the original. Isn’t that nice to know? It was cleaned up before released and Richard had signed a contract, later boasting that he never read it, just was glad to see his name and sign it. Just about anyone who read the contract would know that it obligated three years of association or all royalties, and this meant ALL, were revoked. He left after 18 months. At any rate, he had started it all.
Taylor Swift has her own problems (see how we span the decades and the greed remains in force).
But, interrupting this, a transcript of a deposition from one of our ex-fearless leader’s trials has been released. There is one passage wherein he points out that THE THIRD REICH referred to Germany (‘I never knew that, did you?) and another more germane, speaking of germane. When asked if he was the head of Trump [something or another] he responded that he was not as he was busy saving the human race from a nuclear holocaust by walking with the leader of North Korea. There was no need to thank him.
So, back to sanity and Taylor Swift (relativity, don’t you know?) it seems that in the past she got afoul of some police matters and wound up a vassal to her father. While she was able to schedule all her appearances and decide on record distribution, her father decided whether she could have children or not, Well, she
Hold on: COLLATERAL ESTOPPLE has triumphed and so that woman in New York does not need to prove once again that Trump abused her. All that is at issue is penalties (this is another case but with the same woman). It seems that the second instance in question here happened while he was (can you imagine this?) President.
So now, we are talking about things happening not as a matter of law, but as of policy. Another such issue arises from that consideration: THE GOLDWATER RULE. Never heard of it? Well, here we go. Without a sense of history, and not how it is taught but by what it tells us, we have been on this narrow and assumed notion that one could not make any professional (in the wider sense of the term) about a psychological analysis without first spending a great deal of time with that specimen first. Well, this comes from some propaganda over the early Barry Goldwater problem.
To understand this, we must dig into the past and realize the insane John Birch Society nonsense, Dylan even wrote a song about it. What people do not realize is that this cult was created by Papa Koch, yes, the guys whose sons started the TEA PARTY recently. The issue, so far as the American public was told, was whether to follow Lyndon Johnson’s promise to carry on all of JFK’s policies or Barry Goldwater’s promise to “BOMB NORTH VIETNAM BACK INTO THE STONE AGE!” Saner people naturally thought of Goldwater as insane. A counter-argument was posited that unless you had been with the person face to face for some time, you could not give a reliable opinion. No rule is in the MPI or the American Psychological Society charter. The fact that ten years later Goldwater seemed more sane than Richard Nixon is obviously of little weight in this discussion.
(Taylor Swift) once told Spotify not to use her recordings as the royalties were not meaningful.
Oh, I forgot, when Little Richard began the whole music revolution, his records were only available on the black radio stations. Several stations have been mentioned, but not the main one in Chicago. That was WGES, 1390 AM, with an ERP of 5,000 watts. His sound was most available on a show called JAM WITH SAM that started at 10 PM, but there were other shows called ROCK WITH RICK (which also later introduced Sam Cooke) and RICHARD’S OPEN DOOR. The station is now a news outlet with a similar demographic. One other station was on a Konalrad frequency, 1240, and it would broadcast the religious broadcasts which also had a fairly large white audience.
At the same time, Richard’s songs were being covered by such luminaries as Pat Boone whose version of TUTTI FRUITI led white virgins to think he was singing about an ice-cream flavor. About that time, a singer who was booed off the stage for his attempt at singing Bill Monroe’s BLUE MOON OF KENTUCKY (a bluegrass song by the pioneer of that genre who gave him permission to sing it) soon appeared with his own version of Tutti Fruitti and HOUNDOG. Yes, a white guy who could sing like a black singer (which made it ok).
Just about then, JFK appointed Newton Minnow as head of the FCC (he who called television a “vast wasteland” and started what was then called Educational Television also managed to eventually force FM radio into widespread acceptance with a rule that any radio had to receive FM stations as well as AM stations. By that time, FM had become more available anyway and classical music was widely available and thus the entire field of music changed for many. In Chicago, shows by Studs Terkel and Mike Nichols along with well-programmed classical music was broadcast on WFMT, now at 98.7 FM, a commercial classical music station (with at least two competitors, WEFM and WNIB).
The equal expression doctrine provided that any legitimate political movement be given on any station that broadcast a divergent political opinion. While this had problems and was a bit stultifying, removing it led to the plague of right-wing rabble-rousing figures such as Rush Limbaugh who started the infection.
So, motions for a hearing to sever trials in Georgia’s RICO marathon have been granted, although some shyster named Cheeseboro and an attorney called by a Fox News personality as “Batshit crazy” Sidney Powell will be tried together. They do not know each other, it seems, except by idiocy incorporated known as the Trump mob, but that is how RICO works, a concept started during the Nixon years. They will get a separate trial, but still in a state court. It is under appeal.
So, Taylor Swift is now liberated and will save theaters from bankruptcy forced by the huge money interests that have taken over the creative arts, this time writers, then actors, and also now technical support.
But we have to interrupt as the news is now that Elon Musk shut off the satellites that the Ukrainians were using to coordinate the offensive against Russia. I had thought that was resolved some time ago, but it seems to be an issue again. His point seemed to be that people were supposed to be using it for Netflix and stuff like that and war was not nice. (At least that’s is how it came across.) I really thought much of that stuff was under the rubric of “defense” that everyone knows was dangerous and therefore a government function.
So, that is the story of Little Richard and Taylor Swift.
To end this summary of life in this period, we can summarize some of the last developments:
1) Most Republican forces have realized that “woke” is now counter-productive. Not every one of them has figured this out however, a Republican Senator from Alabama with a banjo on his knee has decided that all members of the Navy have conspired to be woke agents and somehow blocks any and all promotions and financial payment to the United States Navy as the navy has gone “woke” and presents poems on their loudspeakers. Amazingly, he is unchallenged by other unwoke Republicans and continues blithely along in this crusade. One Senator – the name is Tuber[something or another].
2) In another development, the same political party has decided that “Pro-Life” has lost its charm as it has become synonymous with anti-abortion and misogynistic, most specifically in reference to women’s health care. They either had to reform their attitudes or change the term. So the party is most likely to become “Pro-baby”. I ask you, is that “woke”?
3) The party is somewhat inclined to consider slavery as a training ground for planned job skills rather than an institution that led to the 14th Amendment. That amendment provides as a job qualification the exclusion of anyone who swore an oath to uphold the constitution and then attempts to overthrow its government, or aids or “comforts” anyone in such an overthrow unqualified for any government position. Oh, yes, Donald fits in that category given the opinion of attornies from the Heritage Foundation (you know, the ones who like Clarence Thomas so well).
Anyway, this has been quite a trip, but football season is starting – the first game was in GEHA stadium [Arrowhead] and GEHA in Arabic means joker, or fool. Those fans are a natural base for the GEHA in chief, although at the last such function, he was greeted with many “obscene” gestures. Maybe football has some socially redeeming qualities after all, sort of like slavery?
That’s enough. Take care, fellow mental cognoscenti. Oh, yeah – they want to impeach Biden and a Wisc. Supreme Court Judge – she hasn’t done anything yet.