The Week?
Or The Rise and Fall of Insanity
Absurd Times
For some time now, things have deteriorated to the point where even pondering or asking questions about them simply leads to more ennui. Even the point of outrage or anger has retreated into the safe confines of indifference to escape cognizance of them. A few examples of unprecedented idiocy should be sufficient to illustrate.
Living in a country where Donald Trump has recently been President, and who is campaigning again to be President (he had been interrupted) to escape conviction on 91 Felonies (he is appealing recent convictions) is unnerving at the very least, but a simple glance at the history of this country leaves it Absurd.
About two decades ago when this publication began (such as it was) many events were disgusting and vile, but we at least knew how greedy and self-serving the powerful forces that molded this country were. At this point, stupidities abound to the literal meaning of the title of this newsletter. That meaning began with a brief nod to Camus and an attempt to view the country from the point of view of Critical Theory, a school soon named the Frankfurt School. THE ECLIPSE OF REASON was a cornerstone of the system which made a profound impact on several fields, but the state of perfidity has morphed beyond recognition since. Let us review some of the glaringly absurd developments that are accepted as more or less routine in the first quarter of the 21st Century. The last idiocy of this caliber appeared with the photograph of Harry Truman holding up the headlines of the Chicago Tribune that pronounced DEWEY WINS! The paper was so biased in favor of Republicans that they were certain that a world without a President Dewey was unthinkable.
We are faced now with something even more absurd and insane today, but there is almost no realization of it. The anchors simply sit there, point out the “mistake,” perhaps chuckle a bit, and then move on. Look back into history and try to find anyone as ridiculous as the (pardon the expression) Republican candidate for President ridiculed, or thought he did, his one remaining opponent. This strange man who becomes stranger by the day felt a need to attack the woman, Haley, the ex-Governor of South Caroline, whom HE APPOINTED AS Ambassador to the United Nations (the only federal office she has held) as responsible for the January 6 insurrection when he was crushed in the election. Every participant there apparently said something to the effect that they were “invited” by President, Trump.
It is useless to fix the number of minutes he spoke. Suffice to say one particular part of his linguistic offal consisted of accusations of Nicky Hayley not acting as she was required by law. Now this is difficult to believe, or was in centuries past, but he then went on to describe in a somewhat fuzzy manner Nancy Pelosi, the ex-Speaker of the House, an extremely competent one at that. He has to have known that as he often makes jokes about her husband being attacked by a MAGA nut with a hammer in San Francisco. In other words, he somehow conflated Nicky Haley and Nancy Pelosi, two women with little in common except their gender. Perhaps that is enough for him as he now owes over ten million dollars to another woman for his remarks about her. Even Nixon and Harding knew what they were doing. Trump is far too preposterous to be taken seriously, yet it is highly likely that he will be the Presidential candidate for that Political party. Perhaps someone will revive the Whigs?
Of course, there is more, and what would naturally happen to the poor and downtrodden Israelis? Attacked, they were, just in time to anticipate their holy day of Halloween. Israel needs its own newsletter attention and this discussion of the quality of American Leadership will suffice for now. Israel needs a fresh analysis.
One other issue has pervaded the news media recently: RAPE. Quite obviously, soldiers for countries we have decided to dislike do a great deal of raping. Back a year or so ago, Russian soldiers were rapping Ukranian females as a matter of course. Bad Russians – and then they hide in the bushes – remember that? Well, now Israel decided to try the approach since it has killed over 30,000 civilians since October 7th and the world decided that was not fair. So, they pointed out that the Palestinians raped Jews. Incredible, but think about all the poor raped Jewess! Of course, we have to murder them – in the U.S. we protect life even when it is a frozen embryo.
But that is for another time. We need to get this out as it is getting too heavy now. Just be careful not to get raped by the enemy.