Fellow cognoscenti:
I need to break from this for about a week. I came to this conclusion after the mental advaunt guarde of the politically handicapped duplicated what I thought was the most absurd suggestion possible.
I had suggested that Hunter Biden should complain that his Second Amendment rights were being attacked by the idiot fringe of the fascist
forces of the never-woke party. I had suggested this to a new acquaintance I had reason to trust, and I was informed that one of these entities had already voiced a fear that such a suggestion had dangerous and ominous tidings for the forces of truth, just, and the non-woke way.
It had already bothered them!!! Fear in the firearms faction! I’m sorry to pause, but I do need to wait a short time until I can return to this arena whit a clean shirt and continue.
So, I’ll see you in 6 days, more or less!
Honest Charlie